Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Road

There are a thousand lights strung out behind me,

A hundred neon signs are all aglow,

And scores of gaudy billboards stand like pine trees,

As I cruise upon this dark and lonely road.

The horizon is so dark and filled with danger,

With the shades of what might still come to be.

My soul is overflow’d with fear and anger

At the shapes that I cannot yet try to see.

There are no signs placed at the crossroads.

There is no map of this shadowed land.

And though my mind cannot predict the future,

I must learn to let my passions guide my hand.

My eyes cannot gaze too long behind me,

Nor can they peer too far ahead.

The only road I am treading is beneath me;

There is nothing I can walk upon instead.

Is it possible to let them share my journey,

Not knowing where they’ve been or when they’ll leave?

Will they stay until I finally reach the Ocean?

Is that something that I cannot believe?

So many travelers have gone and left me,

And is all it takes to curb my will.

I fear to let another walk beside me,

To eventually be left again with nil.

So no matter what the road might still be lonely.

It is something I must come to understand.

And still my mind cannot predict the future.

I must learn to let my passions guide my hand.

My eyes cannot gaze too long behind me,

Nor can they peer too far ahead.

The only road I am treading is beneath me;

There is nothing I can walk upon instead.

-D.M.D.M. 1-23-2006


  1. I reached for a random notebook this evening to tear a page out, and I opened to the back cover. On the last page was written:
    "Is it your birthday this week?

    Does this seem familiar?
    On the other side of that page was the first attempt at this poem back during my sophomore year at college.

    I chose to find it and post it (after editing it slightly) because it does indeed seem familiar to me now.

  2. ...also because it's my birthday in a week.

    Sorry. Forgot to mention that.

