Saturday, July 3, 2010


Mother Gaia, Earth Egg
Grant me strength with which
I survive
Nurture me so that
I thrive
Provide for me, care for me
Your child

To show my devotion and affection
I promise
To hold true to what holds true to me
To shoulder my responsibilities
To flourish, grow, engorge and reproduce
To contain that which might cause abuse
To light your world with pure divine love

From two together come one
From one and one come three

Father Storm, Sky Seed
Grant me eyes with which
I yearn
Abjure me so that
I learn
Condition me, purify me
Your child

To show my honor and obedience
I promise
To change what breaks and tolerate new things
To live and soar on widespread wings
To experience my time, then expire
To expel my foes with exploding fire
To write across your sky whorls of glory

From two together come one
From one and one come three

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