Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Caffeine Muse

Deep and cushy chairs envelop

Me, the tooth-decayingly sweet

Tan electric nectar warms my

Hands and mouth and belly, lighting

An inferno ‘neath the slumb’ring

Boiler of my spirit, melting

‘Way what seems like ages worth of

Hoarfrost from the plumbing of my

Soul. A long luxurious sigh

Steams out from my chest and nostrils.

Up to read is seven leagues of

Legs that swell like rose buds topping

Long and slender stems. Above rests

Perfectly curved spine ‘midst trim and

Slim waist. Breasts- beyond compare, oh…

Firm and full, with cleavage aching

To be plumbed. Unblemished skin runs

Up a kissable, suckable

Throat that’s shadowed by a pixie

Pointed chin. Her tongue wets passion

Fruit lips, darts behind her smile, and

Clicks a stud of steel on molars.

Gently upturned nose sits ‘tween her

Bright and laughing emerald orbs.

She, like filly poised to gallop

‘Cross the moors of Éire, tosses

Hair like phoenix plumage, letting

Ripples run down shoulders to the

Small of her back. I am in love.

Sultry sounds that resonate from

Deep within her chest delight us.

She expounds on love and losses,

Sex and cigarettes, deceives and

Tricks, denies, then supplies us

With what she made us crave. Words as

Powerful as thunderstorms rush

Headlong through my most unknown and

Private depths, stampeding over

Me, completely unaware. She

Glances up and grins at us to

Emphasize her saucy wordplay;

Laughing willingly, I flush and

Gulp, inhale, inflamed by sonic

Sensuality. She has me

Now, enthralled, enraptured, and

Enchanted. Language, meaning: vanished;

Only woven words and fluid

Phonics hit my ears. My Goddess,

Avatar of Fair Harmonia,

Red valkyrie, Freya on Earth,

Morrigan, my Dark and Awesome Queen.

Sorceress, I am but honored

To behold you. Let me worship

At your altar. Let me be the

Trochee to your iamb. Blend with my

Body like you weave your wonders.

Roll me ‘tween those lips as you have

Shaped your perfect poetry on

Tongue of artful silver. I am

Yours, in mind, in flesh, in spirit.

Bowing gracefully she steps down,

Beaming at the snap-snap claps. She

Grabs a steaming grande that’s as

Hot and sweet and strong as she is,

Gulps it down like it is ice-cold

Water. I can almost see the

Caffeine arc throughout her body;

I can feel it as I’ve felt it

Each and every time I’ve sipped that

Dark and deadly brew. With vigor,

Lyric grasped in hand, I swirl the

Last few sips of mud and swill the

Thick and syrupy ambrosia

Sitting at the bottom. Onto

Stage I leap, affix my gaze to

Hers, and breathe deep…

-D.M.D.M. 3-7-07

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Road

There are a thousand lights strung out behind me,

A hundred neon signs are all aglow,

And scores of gaudy billboards stand like pine trees,

As I cruise upon this dark and lonely road.

The horizon is so dark and filled with danger,

With the shades of what might still come to be.

My soul is overflow’d with fear and anger

At the shapes that I cannot yet try to see.

There are no signs placed at the crossroads.

There is no map of this shadowed land.

And though my mind cannot predict the future,

I must learn to let my passions guide my hand.

My eyes cannot gaze too long behind me,

Nor can they peer too far ahead.

The only road I am treading is beneath me;

There is nothing I can walk upon instead.

Is it possible to let them share my journey,

Not knowing where they’ve been or when they’ll leave?

Will they stay until I finally reach the Ocean?

Is that something that I cannot believe?

So many travelers have gone and left me,

And is all it takes to curb my will.

I fear to let another walk beside me,

To eventually be left again with nil.

So no matter what the road might still be lonely.

It is something I must come to understand.

And still my mind cannot predict the future.

I must learn to let my passions guide my hand.

My eyes cannot gaze too long behind me,

Nor can they peer too far ahead.

The only road I am treading is beneath me;

There is nothing I can walk upon instead.

-D.M.D.M. 1-23-2006

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Mother Gaia, Earth Egg
Grant me strength with which
I survive
Nurture me so that
I thrive
Provide for me, care for me
Your child

To show my devotion and affection
I promise
To hold true to what holds true to me
To shoulder my responsibilities
To flourish, grow, engorge and reproduce
To contain that which might cause abuse
To light your world with pure divine love

From two together come one
From one and one come three

Father Storm, Sky Seed
Grant me eyes with which
I yearn
Abjure me so that
I learn
Condition me, purify me
Your child

To show my honor and obedience
I promise
To change what breaks and tolerate new things
To live and soar on widespread wings
To experience my time, then expire
To expel my foes with exploding fire
To write across your sky whorls of glory

From two together come one
From one and one come three