Sunday, May 23, 2010

Eagle's Flight

The eagle flies above the herd
She sees the ebb and flow
Of those that walk beneath her wings
All who raise their head feel awe
Or envy of her majesty

A courier who moves between
The court of the Father Sun
And the bounty of the Mother Sea
Belonging nowhere but where
She chooses to nest and brood

Her strong talons clutch her prey
She risks the water's icy embrace
To pull her sustenance from the waves
Powerful enough to challenge beasts of Earth
Yet not too proud to pick at the dead

Keen of eye
Sharp of beak
Powerful talon
Smiling cheek
Valiant parent
Ascendant flier
My thanks I give
As she takes me higher

-D.M.D.M. 5-23-10

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