Thursday, August 30, 2012

7 Billion Saints and Sinners

We are seven billion saints and sinners crowded into the valleys and plains
Of a tiny azure sphere specked with dirt and rocks
Filled with fire and metal, embraced by clouds and ether
Covering its surface with vast swathes with our activity
Where the rivers meet the seas or the land is rich
Intent on taking all we can from our Mother
And determined to outshine our Father
Literally living on top of one another
Competing viciously for Power, Freedom, Profit, Honor
Behind the thin veneer of Civilized Behavior
Controlled by old liars and crooks
And fueled by a few thousand years of confusion
Ever since we became masters of enslaved Elements
Our minds too swelled with trivia and politics
To remember clearly how we got here from the Garden
Our eyes too blind from staring down microscopes or gazing up telescopes
To see how our machines are eating through the floor
Our hearts too chilled by broken fantasies and elegant lies
To feel anything for the space beyond our own nose
But the Storm is coming, the Inferno has been kindled
The Flood will smother and smooth, the earth will Quake
And all will be swept clean as it has done so before 

-D.M.D.M. -1/22/12

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