Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sonnet 2011

Entrust in change and loosen old routines
Dispose of those malign and unkind so
The souls who nurture thrive. Old forest queens
Must fall before new saplings might then grow.
Assemble then your myriad accord
Your merchants, mercenaries, players, and,
No matter if they wag their tongue or sword,
Accept just stout allies into our band.
We've shown what such a thing as this might do
When blest with grounds so faƩ and patrons fond.
Where others might have drown'd, high we flew.
Amidst the mire, 'round fires we forged our bond.
Now done, within the hearts we did inspire
Long live we, the Stormriders of the Shire.
-D.M.D.M. 10/1/11

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