Saturday, June 5, 2010

Jade Spectacles

When did everyone I don't know intimately
Turn into a killer
Or a pedophile
Or a self-serving shallow bitch?
When did balloon animals become trite?
Happy Meals become gross?
Novelty and originality become
More important than enjoyment?
When did my castles transform
Into just playgrounds?
My forts just pillows?
My swords just sticks?
My steeds just bikes?
My most carefully guarded treasures
Just worthless pieces of plastic?
When did what to do next
Become more important than now
And tomorrow start being
More importantly than today?
When did this place of
Endless wonder and possibility and hope
Transmute and twist into
A predictable and meaningless trap with no escape?
Way too soon

-D.M.D.M. 6-2-10

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