Saturday, March 24, 2018

Work in Progress

After a long, dark, lonely night
I raised my face from weeping
And I stared at that adversary
In the mirror

“What do I do?” I begged
Nothing you can do, he sneered
You’re too weak and too small
A mote in the eye of God
Crying in the night, about to be

“What do I do?” I screamed
What have you done? he snapped
Nothing but rail and wail
At the cold and heartless world
What can you accomplish with

“What do I do?” I growled
You’ve failed so far, he sighed
What hope can you have?
Every glorious campaign turns out

“What do I do?” I seethed
What’s wrong with you, he spat
Why can’t you get through
As all the others do?
You are shameful, your soul is

“What do I do?” I raged
And I reached in and tore
Him from his feet, cut myself
On shards of distorted reflection
And hit him with all my strength

“What do I do!” I cried
Eyes full of fire and fury
As I choked his vile throat full
With my trophies and conquests
And stood above his crooked form

After a long, hard, savage night
I raised myself from fighting
And I stared at that light
On the horizon
