Saturday, May 7, 2011


Pebbles lying in the muck

Faces hidden from the sun

Glimpsing gleams from underground

Reflected glory in the dirt

Burrow deeper little stones

Dig and fight for gold

Growing colder losing air

Pressed against neighbors’ cheek

Rocking chipping clashing grit

Flipped about in the mob

Lament cruel fate to be away

Further from precious treasures

See the prick of light high above

Feel the breeze bring warmth and sound

Climb the tunnel rise and fall

Give up return quit it repent

Make the choice to see it out

Fight the pull of resistance least

Lay not at the bottom of the well

No surrender to the fear

Of crumbling before the breach

Look for help upon the way

Ask any who lie higher up

Reach the top and see the sky

Find mountains that pierce clouds

Feel the waters flow and ebb

Encounter forests to explore

Wonder at dancing motes around you

Realize the form of your true self

Not a dirty pebble or worthless stone

But a jewel refractive filled with light

See the stars and know thy kin

Same essence different forms

-D.M.D.M 5/6/2011